The Manitoba Association of Architects (MAA) is a self-governing professional association, mandated by the Province of Manitoba under The Architects Act to regulate the practice of architecture in the province.
In fulfilling its mandate, the MAA serves to protect the public interest and advance the profession of architecture. The MAA works with its membership and other stakeholders to establish high entry standards to the profession and maintain high standards of practice. Members are governed by strict principles of ethical and professional conduct, which are detailed in the MAA By-Laws and Code of Ethics. As well, the MAA has been a pioneer in Canada in establishing mandatory continuing education requirements for its membership.
The MAA appoints representatives to a number of community organizations, including the Winnipeg Building Commission, the Historic Buildings Committee, the Manitoba Association of Architects/Winnipeg Construction Association Joint Committee, and various task groups. As well, the MAA makes annual contributions to the University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture to help fund visits by guest lecturers and purchase books for the Faculty's library.
The MAA is funded solely by membership fees.