
The MAA is governed by a Council comprised of:

  • Eight (8) MAA Registered Members residing in the Province of Manitoba, elected for a four-year term (two elected each year).
  • Two (2) MAA Interns residing in the Province of Manitoba, elected for a two-year term (one elected each year).
  • Two (2) public representatives appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba.
  • One (1) staff member of the University of Manitoba's Faculty of Architecture who is a MAA Registered Member, appointed by the Council in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty. This Council position is appointed for a two-year term and can be appointed for consecutive terms.

There is also provision for:

  • A Registered Member to serve a fifth year on Council in the office of President.
  • The immediate Past-President of the MAA as an ex-officio member to Council.
  • Two student representatives as non-voting observers.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Control and manage the affairs and business of the MAA, including any real or personal property.
  • Elect or appoint officers of the MAA.
  • Approve and grant memberships in the MAA.
  • Approve and grant Certificates of Approval to corporations to practice architecture.
  • Pass, amend, repeal or re-enact MAA By-Laws (Note: Changes to By-Laws are subject to a 2/3 majority vote of the Registered Members at the Annual or Special General Meeting called for that purpose).
  • Establish application fees, annual dues and levies to members.
  • Appoint members to MAA Standing Committees.
  • Appoint members to represent the MAA to other organizations or act in an advisory capacity on matters affecting the interests of the architectural profession.
  • Appoint and delegate responsibilities and authority to ad hoc committees to address matters of relevance to the MAA that may arise.
  • Employ and remunerate any persons required to carry on the work of the MAA.
  • Accept donations or purchase books, periodicals, tapes, journals, etc. for a library for use by members of the MAA.

Current Council Members

Gail Little

First Vice-President
Rina Ricci

Second Vice-President & Treasurer
Melissa McAlister

Immediate Past-President
Jon Trenholm

Travis Cooke
Kyle Lewkowich
Jennifer Reynolds
Candace Karhut
Jeff Moroz

Faculty of Architecture Representative
Mira Locher

Lay Representative
Barbara Boroskae

Intern Representatives
Coral Ross
Caleb McGinn