Registered Members

Council may admit as a Registered Member any individual who provides:

  • Proof of completion of Education, Experience and Examination requirements.
  • A legal declaration of having knowledge of documents governing the practice of architecture in Manitoba.
  • Evidence of good character.

Registered Members in good standing with other provincial/territorial associations who meet the requirements under the Canadian Reciprocity Agreement are also eligible, as are members in good standing in other jurisdictions who meet the requirements under a Mutual Recognition Agreement which CALA has entered into (Reciprocity).


Registered Members are entitled to:

  • Use the title "Architect", "Registered Architect", or the initials "M.A.A." after his/her name.
  • Hold office as an elected member of the MAA Council and serve on MAA Committees.
  • Receive benefits and undertake the duties and responsibilities under The Architects Act and MAA By-Laws (relative to the practice of architecture in the Province of Manitoba).
  • Attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings.
  • Receive the MAA electronic bulletin and other correspondence to the MAA membership.


There are different application requirements, subject to eligibility:

Architects must register both themselves and their firms with the MAA in order to practice the profession and/or represent themselves as an architectural firm in Manitoba, regardless of what form of service might be delivered: