Student Members

Council may admit as a Student Member any individual who:

  • Is a student that has been admitted to a School of Architect, or
  • Is enrolled in the RAIC Syllabus Program and who has successfully completed Part I of the Program.


Student Members are entitled to:

  • Attend the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, except those designated by vote as open to Registered Members only.
  • Receive the MAA electronic bulletin and other correspondence to the membership from the MAA.


Click here for an application form. The completed form must be attached with:

  • Evidence of eligibility for Student Membership (include photocopies of any degrees that have been obtained).

Those students who are eligible to log experience and wish to do so, must also provide the following:

For RAIC Syllabus Students:

For students enrolled in a CACB accredited Masters Program:

For more information: